Ancestral Alchemy®

Break Free from Inherited Traumas & Negative Beliefs, & Take up Space as an Empowered, Confident, Awakened Woman

Your current life challenges

  • You have a history of repeating negative patterns, & attracting toxic relationships despite trying to change the narrative 
  • Past experiences of abuse have made you a prisoner of fear, limiting your potential 
  • Your choices in life are constrained by self-imposed barriers & limiting beliefs about wealth, love, health & success 
  • You feel like your worth has been diminished & your voice silenced for far too long 
  • You lack confidence, & play small for fear of being seen & judged 
  • You struggle with personal boundaries, self-love/compassion, lack self-worth & seek external validation 
  • You procrastinate, dissociate & self-sabotage by way of avoiding the elephant in the room 
  • You don't know what your purpose is, or what direction you should take in life


Your family history comprises a rich tapestry woven by the lives of your ancestors. Each generation contributes to this tapestry, creating a unique narrative that defines who you are. Their triumphs, traumas, and unresolved issues can imprint upon us, influencing our behaviour, relationships, and overall well-being. The Ancestral Alchemy ® 4-Month Mentorship Program weaves together ancestral wisdom, group coaching, and spiritual practices. Together we explore how experiences, emotions, and traumas have been passed down through generations and discover how understanding your ancestral legacy can shape your future.

My Story

I understand the struggles you are experiencing at the moment. I, too, have experienced the impact of inherited trauma. For years, I lived with fear, insecurity, and disconnection. I struggled with the belief that I wasn’t worthy enough, constantly seeking validation to prove my worth, and attracting unhealthy relationships as a result. All of that changed when I embraced my own healing journey with my ancestors. I am now the leading lady in my life. I can finally love myself unconditionally and be my own source of validation. I have the courage to take risks and follow my dreams. I’m no longer afraid of failure or judgement. I trust my intuition and am my own best friend. I’m finally living the life I love.

 "I have always considered myself to be a strong woman, but I actually developed a lot of coping mechanisms while concealing unresolved trauma. My recent breakup left me feeling vulnerable, and I knew I needed extra support. I needed to stop making the same mistakes in relationships. Tania had suggested this pattern might be ancestral, which is why I tried it. It was time to return those stories that weren’t mine. Tania helped and guided me through an emotional session – oh the tears flowed! I felt safe and supported throughout. As a result of the session, I felt lighter as if I had left a large burden behind and was about to embark on a new journey. I am still noticing huge changes around me. As a natural healer, Tania has a lot of wisdom to share. She is so wise and her presence is calming. I’d recommend her to anyone looking for extra support"

Holly Foxcroft


Immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind program that blends spiritual practices, ancient wisdom, embodiment, somatic practices, and modern coaching modalities. Embrace the unique fusion of ancient knowledge and contemporary guidance to tap into your true essence and create remarkable changes in your life. Experience the alchemical blend of body, mind, and soul, and embark on a profound journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.






Over the course of 16 weeks, we will explore the Ancestral Alchemy Medicine Wheel, which encompasses four distinct quadrants: Reflection, Rebirth, Embodiment and Expansion. As we journey through each spiral, you will develop an understanding of:


Connecting With Ancestral Wisdom

  • Exploring the interconnectedness of past and present 
  • Recognizing how ancestral patterns manifest in our lives
  • Examining the source of our emotional triggers 
  • Identifying inherited traumas and negative beliefs 
  • Opening the space for profound healing and transformation


Rewriting The Narrative Of Your Life

  • Examining and reframing limiting beliefs 
  • Breaking free from patterns of negativity and self-sabotage
  • Healing through acknowledgment and forgiveness 
  • Shifting from victimhood to empowerment 
  • Creating a new story for yourself


Awakening Your Inner Compass

  • Embracing the wisdom of the body 
  • Honouring the feminine aspects of ourselves 
  • Reconnecting with the power of intuition
  • Practicing self-care as a form of self-love 
  • Embracing self-compassion and forgiveness 
  • Aligning with natural rhythms for increased harmony and balance 
  • Nurturing an embodied presence and deep connection with yourself


Meet The Awakened Empowered Woman

  • Establishing healthy boundaries and nurturing positive connections 
  • Harnessing the power of creativity for self-expression
  • Nurturing your unique ancestral gifts and wisdom
  • Stepping into your power and authenticity 
  • Embodying confidence and self-assurance 
  • Leaving a meaningful legacy for future generations


  • Overwhelm no longer affects you. 
  • Instead of identifying as a victim, you now embrace your strengths. 
  • You have gained new found confidence and self-belief 
  • You now feel more attuned to and empowered by your surroundings and connections. 
  • You are eager to take advantage of opportunities now that you have overcome your fears and anxieties. 
  • Improved mental wellbeing and emotional resilience are now part of your life.
  • Intimacy and connection are enhanced as a result of the meaningful relationships you create and attract. 
  • Every setback and obstacle is just a stepping stone to the next amazing thing waiting for you. 
  • Your life is now filled with happiness and fulfilment, because you have created space for it. 
  • You’ve outgrown the tendency to hide in the shadows; instead, you are the leading lady!



Powerful transformational guided Shamanic journeys, self-reflection exercises and shadow work, to help you release and heal

A dedicated training portal you will find downloadable resources and workbooks that accompany each stage of our journey

A private online community of sisterhood, a community of like-minded women on a shared journey, and safe space to support you on your journey

Rituals for healing and transformation

Unrestricted lifetime access to comprehensive course material

Online group mentorship sessions with award-winning coach. Held via Zoom, Usually the first three weeks of each month.

Group mentoring sessions are recorded, so don’t stress if you miss any. These sessions are a platform for you to share your journeys, celebrate your achievements, and ask questions

Wisdom of our ancestors for guidance



This digital journal supports and tracks your personal growth and spiritual journey for a three-month period. By engaging with your journal regularly, you will be able to cultivate a happier and healthier state of being as a result. Printable & Fillable Versions

Course Curriculum







"This course helped me delve deep into parts of myself that I hadn't uncovered. It helped me to learn and reflect on what I wanted and then needed to change. This helped me align myself with words and feelings that I wanted to feel and live by."
"I found clarity as I went through this journey. The guidance and support I received were invaluable. The best thing you can do is to start your journey now. ."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The program last for 4 months, although you will have life-time access to the the modules

This program is tailored to uplift women who have experienced feelings of invisibility, disconnection, and a lack of worth, often driven by long-standing negative patterns and relationships. These may be rooted in ancestral trauma and disabling beliefs, which limit their true potential. My aim is to empower these women, encouraging them to break away from these detrimental cycles. Inspire them to confidently discover and embrace their inner strength and creativity. My ultimate goal is to help them live life on their terms, boldly and without apology, enabling them to make the next chapter of their life more rewarding and fulfilling.

You will have the best experience if you can participate in any of the live mentoring sessions. However, if you can’t always participate live, you will have access to the recordings of each session.

The more names and stories that are available the better but it is also possible to work with the stories without all the full information available.

Not sure if this is the perfect moment? The truth of the matter is, you may never feel entirely ready. The key element in having an extraordinary life, rather than a life kept on indefinite hold, is taking action before having all the details figured out. I’ve carefully curated this program to offer you the chance to step away from fear, uncertainty, and confusion and embrace a life of purpose. Let’s consider this. How long are you willing to hold off to really start living life on your terms? Picture yourself four months later: you could be stuck in the same spot, grappling with anxiety, fear and self-doubt, convinced that you don’t have what it takes to live a life without limits. Or, you could be well on your way toward realising your future dreams, and living the life of a leading lady.

I totally get that processing trauma can seem pretty daunting. The initial step I take is creating a secure and comfortable environment. Discussing traumatic incidents can be pretty intense, understandably so. The first thing I do is establish a safe and inviting space just for you. Here, you’ll have the freedom to delve into your memories and experiences at a pace that suits you best. I am always on hand to help support you as well.

Gathering the courage to participate in group activities can feel challenging when one is shy or socially anxious. Don’t worry – many women in our Ancestral Alchemy space share similar feelings. We’ve created an environment of warmth and respect from the beginning – our mission is all about safety and comfort for all. Remember – the choice of how much (or how little) you participate is completely up to you! Despite that, we do gently encourage you to join the conversations and activities as much as you can. See this as a chance to flourish and build your confidence. Acknowledging and facing our anxieties can actually be a wonderful opportunity for personal growth. You might even end up discovering strengths you never knew you had!

This program is intended to encourage you to develop a regular practice and relationship with your depths. I recommend a half hour to an hour of inner work three times a week (at least). As a result, you’ll be able to build momentum in your process and keep the thread between sessions.

Wednesday evenings at 19:00 (UK Time) and will last between 60-90 minutes. They will usually be held the first 3 Wednesdays of the month. You will be notified of any changes.

After your purchase has processed, you will be sent a confirmation email to create your login and password, which will give you instant access to the online teaching portal where you can access the program material. It will be drip fed to prevent overwhelm.