Grateful Living : A Lammas Workshop

Unlock the Power of Gratitude: A Lammas Workshop to Cultivate Joy & Abundance

30 JULY 2024
7:30-9:00 (UK time)

grateful living with lammas

Lammas, known as Lughnasadh too, signifies the start of the harvest season. It marks a special time where we pay homage to the abundant offerings of the land and express our gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us. Lammas also invites us to contemplate the ebb and flow of existence, embracing both the brilliance of light and the depths of darkness. As the daylight gradually wanes, giving way to the approaching winter, we can seize this moment to reflect upon the precious gifts of the past year and set intentions for the season ahead. During Lammas, a profound connection with the energies of abundance, gratitude, and reflection can be harnessed, allowing us to wholeheartedly express thanks for the earth's blessings and honour the cyclical nature of life. Above all, Lammas reminds us that we possess the power to create positive transformations in the world around us.


We will embark on a collective journey to embrace these sacred connections with the seasons and the timeless wisdom bestowed upon us by those who came before. We will gather around the sacred fire, for a live interactive gathering.

Through the enchantment of poetry, guided meditation, story telling, and immersive reflective exercises, you will be guided towards the art of "gratitude". Don't miss this opportunity to nourish your soul, reset your nervous system and reconnect to the wisdom of Mother Nature and our ancestors.

You will also receive content rich guides introducing you to the Celtic Wheel Of The Year of sabbat of Lammas. Within these guides you will discover the lore, as well as the history and mythology behind it. Plus, rituals, tarot/oracle spreads, immersive practices, traditional recipes, spell-work and so much more. 

Workshop Curriculum

It is my intention to make these workshops accessible to you all. In order to accommodate different budgets, I have created a sliding scale payment option. The number of supported spaces is limited to six. 



  • Little-to-no expendable income

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Standard Fee


  • The actual cost of the workshop

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  • Cost of the workshop plus a little extra to help create access for others

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