Self-Massage for Womb Healing

Unlocking Your Creative Portal Through Awakened Womb Massage

Heal Your Womb: Release Past Traumas

The womb is where you store the negative imprints of past relationships, lovers, early sexual experiences, emotional memories, and inherited fears, patterns, and traumas. Even the patterns that you carry through life because of your own conception, pregnancy, and birth stories. Any negative experiences can result in nervous system dysregulation. This creates secondary symptoms both physically and emotionally.

emotional healing through massage

Here are a few ways in which womb massage can contribute to emotional well-being:

stress reduction

Womb massage can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. By focusing on this area of the body, it encourages you to tune into your emotional state, relieving tension and promoting a sense of calm.

emotional release

The womb holds emotional memories. Through massage, it's possible to release stored emotions and trauma, promoting a sense of emotional freedom.


Womb massage is often associated with reconnecting with one's feminine energy. This can empower individuals to embrace their emotions, intuition, and creativity.

hormone balance

Hormonal imbalances can significantly affect emotions. Womb massage may help in regulating hormones, potentially alleviating mood swings and emotional ups and downs.


For those struggling with fertility issues, womb massage can have a positive impact on emotional well-being. It provides a space for emotional healing and acceptance during a challenging journey.

self- awareness

The process of receiving a womb massage can encourage self-reflection and heightened self-awareness. This can help individuals better understand and manage their emotions.

physical healing through massage

  • Helps to reposition a tilted uterus  
  • Promotes hormonal balance  
  • Reduces scar tissue formation  
  • Brings fresh blood to the uterus  
  • Reduces stress and stress hormones  
  • Circulates more blood to the uterus & cervix 
  • Communication within the endocrine system is improved
  • Enhances the liver’s ability to eliminate excess hormones
  • Strengthens the hormonal feedback loop to promote hormonal balance 
  • Aids the body in getting rid of old, stagnant blood and tissues
  • Improves digestion and helps detoxification  
  • Reduces IBS symptoms, such as bloating and stomach cramping  
  • Relieves endometriosis, PCOS, and fibroid symptoms
  • Resolves blocked Fallopian tubes.

I have assisted thousands of women over the years with massage therapy and witnessed many life-changing results.

This self-help womb massage is a beautiful gift to yourself whether you’re on a fertility journey, experiencing menstrual or digestive issues, feeling disconnected from yourself, or simply need to nourish your body.  

As a result of the techniques taught in this course, the body becomes balanced, circulation is improved, the immune system is boosted, stress is reduced, and many other benefits are gained.


The Massage techniques may be helpful if you are preparing for a fertility procedure or taking fertility medications. You should inform your doctor that you are using massage. Once the transfer has taken place, discontinue using the techniques.

Perform daily, except when you are menstruating or after ovulation if you are trying to conceive. If you are not trying to conceive then it's okay to perform daily except during your bleed. 

No, it's not advised to perform womb massage if you have a coil fitted or pregnant.

Although I wish I could guarantee that this will cause you to become pregnant, I cannot provide such a guarantee since we all have no control over such things.


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